September 20, 2020 Last night, for better or for worse, I had an experience with a being. It began while I was listening to Lateralus, and I received the thought, “The devil’s in the church. The devil’s in the book.” Over and over again, it repeated itself, and it occurred to me that the reason evil can happen is because together we are great, but isolated we are weak. And this is what the devil does best; pit us against each other. Then, I made a drawing. A devil came onto the paper, followed by a cross with the same devil hiding behind it. I felt unnerved, like it was beside me, so I drew an angel of justice, “I banish thee, demon.” But it was still there, and I tried to ignore it with energy work but I could still feel it lingering. I stood, and crossed my heart, and a pain was felt on my left hand’s fifth knuckle and I heard a high pitched sound in my right ear, a sound of the angels. Now I knew something was there, so I burned the drawing and went outside, and it was gone. “I think I just had an angel and a devil.” “But how do you know which is which?”