"The Devil and Karl Marx" - Paul Kengor

Totalitarianism seeks to fundamentally change human nature through political-ideological-cultural upheaval.

Then, the change was material, but in the years after Marx’s death, Communists sought to change the revolution into a sexual-cultural-spiritual revolution to “liberate” the proletariat from bourgeoisie concepts. Instead of seizing the factories, they seized the “cultural means of production” to create nothing less than a complete and ideological revolution. Family, religion, tradition, and even gender are just things to be overthrown in the form of social justice and defense of the “oppressed.”

They would use any means necessary to confuse and convert the public through infiltration and blackmail to the creation of deceitful front organizations. The morality of a Communist is to the party. You cannot be a good Communist and be religious. Oh, and by the way, some of the head Marxist-Freudists were satanist pedophiles, if that’s a surprise. North Amercan Man-Boy Love Association was the work of a Communist and LGBTQ leader Harry Hay.