"The Fire Within," by Chris D'Lacey

Never make a dragon cry! I think that the story is about the way we relate to each other, and David’s relationships with the Pennykettles and Sophie represents this, going through the breakup and then coming back together. But, the biggest example is (spoiler) when David struggles with the reality that Gadzooks is real and upsets the dragon by telling him he’s not real, that David doesn’t need him, that he’s just a piece of pottery, and pushes Gadzooks to shed a fire tear, a tear that contains his soul. However, David comes to the rescue to catch his fire tear and gives it back to Gadzooks by shedding a tear of his own.

I really liked this (kids) book, it felt like a modern English fairy tale with, of course, a happy ending. I envied Lucy for her steadfast and childish nature, but I think we can see ourselves in David and Liz, too. Unless I’m wrong, which occasionally I am, the next few books are a little mind-bending.

Thanks for reading! -Lotus