Perhaps Ragnarok arises when enough bodhisattvas stop returning to help save us from ourselves,the human doom. Don’t be a tyrant, the people have learnt well how to kill the tyrant. You can’t fool everyone all the time.

Minimalism is beautiful.

Elders are one of our most valuable resources, and it is unthinkable that we send a lifetime’s worth of experiences to waste away in a nursing home playing golf. Inter-generational learning is a jewel that has been lost on the tracks of so-called progress.

Anything you think is true alters your reality. Learning a new truth literally changes your reality because reality is made up of what truths we know, an imagined reality made up of imagined truths which we do not know how we know. Therefore, we don’t “know” anything is true, or that reality even exists.

Sometimes, you get burnt-out and stop creating, simply because there is nothing you want to do at that moment. You have to push through, that’s when other people tend to stop at the edge of greatness. Is it better to die young and pure or old and withered? The world has no eyedea.

ANNOUNCEMENT - Critical thinking is not selfish, nor is the ability of free will. People deserve to be able to make their own decisions and receive unbiased education on a topic. Don’t offer your help and opinion if you haven’t researched the goddamn topic. Use your brain. Be a Human.